The law firm in Paris and Ile-de-France is recognized for its practice areas in labour law and social protection, and in tax law

We provide advisory and litigation services to companies, their management, non-profit organizations and individuals.

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42 rue Notre-Dame des Champs 75006 Paris
63ter avenue Edouard Vaillant 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt


Tél. +33 (0)1 72 29 61 00


Les chiffres du cabinet

2015 Année de création
95% de clients
15 Professionnels
du droit
650 Clients


Nous aidons nos clients dans de multiples domaines de droit

Accompagner nos clients à 360 grâce à la complémentarité des métiers présents au sein du groupe In Extenso : le chiffre, le droit et les expertises conseil (gestion de patrimoine, conseil en fusions et acquisitions, conseil en tourisme et hôtellerie, création d’entreprise, conseil en financement, étude et conseil en management de l’innovation).

Toutes nos expertises

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In Extenso Avocats brings together legal advice experts around common values who help companies (VSE, SME, ETI and large groups), associations, foundations, liberal professions, public authorities and more broadly all decision makers, to secure, manage and optimize their activity. Our lawyers also intervene in litigation to ensure the defense of the interests of their clients before the courts and jurisdictions concerned.

Multidisciplinary, In Extenso Avocats helps its clients, all sectors of activity combined in multiple areas of law such as business law, commercial law, tax law, labour law and social protection, real estate and construction law, urban planning and regional planning law, environmental law, public law, intellectual property law including certified expertise in GDPR, family and heritage law and international law.

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