Intellectual property law and GDPR Compliance

Our team is able to advice on IT, data protection and intellectual property and to provide support and advice to a wide range of IT stakeholders from project developers and companies to public authorities, not-for-profit organizations, including:

  • datacenters, outsourcers, SAAS and cloud providers, etc.
  • web designers, digital communications agencies, social networking specialists and community managers
  • software and mobile application developers, creators of innovative projects
  • AI, databases and Web specialists
  • IT departments, legal departments, DPO/Information Systems Security Manager (ISSM).

Intellectual Property Law

Our in-depth knowledge of the IP field enables us to provide analysis and pragmatic advice in the following areas:
  • Drafting of general terms and conditions of sale/use/license, privacy policies, legal disclaimers and any required operational and commercial contracts
  • Audit and GDPR compliance, cybersecurity  consumer Law
  • Assistance and drafting of technical legal documentation for GDPR compliance or with a view to certification or accreditation (ISO27001, HDS (healthdata hosting services), RGS (the general security database), etc.)
  • Drafting and negotiation of IT charters, non-disclosure agreements, distribution agreements.
Our specialized team has particular focus on technological and legal monitoring, to ensure they are not only up to date with the latest developments in the field, but also able to anticipate them.
  • Assistance regarding the creation of business models, including its legal feasibility
  • Advice on the asset worth of intellectual property, trademark filings, software or database protection, contracts for the transfer of rights or the contribution of intellectual property to share capital.

The lawyers
in intellectual property and GDPR

GPDR compliance projects


Legal advice

And, indeed, the high flexibility and responsiveness of our firm is much valued, in addition to its Practice areas regarding the following:
  • Gap analysis – GDPR compliance audit
  • Data risk analysis
  • Data protection impact analysis (DPIA)
  • Contracts and annexes on data processing as subcontractor/Data controller
  • GDPR steering, setting up of action plans, implementation of legal and organizational measures
  • Drafting of policies and procedures (exercise of rights, archiving, human resources, medical and social, commercial)
  • Outsourced Data Protection Officer (DPO) mission.
The part of our activity dedicated to litigation frequently involves the following areas:
  • Support for companies or DPOs
  • Business relations with suppliers and service providers, breach of contract
  • Crisis management in the event of a cyber attack
  • Management of requests to exercise the rights of data subjects
  • IT and intellectual property litigation.

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