Personal Injury

Bodily injury is defined as any injury or injury to the person’s physical integrity, whether due to an accident (traffic accident, medical accident or simple fall) or an assault.

Personal injury may be the subject of compensation from insurance companies (the author or the person who suffered the damage) or guarantee funds, public service agencies that provide compensation to victims whose perpetrator is not identified, uninsured or insolvent.

What steps should I take to be compensated for personal injury?

The first possible step is to negotiate amicably with the perpetrator or the insurance company.
This obviously implies writing to them to explain its claims in terms of compensation for damages. If no amicable agreement is reached, it is possible to pursue the compensation through the courts.

It is also possible to sue civil courts for compensation.
However, if personal injury is the result of a criminal offence, you, as a victim, have the opportunity to become a civil party to claim compensation.

Whether you claim compensation in a civil or criminal court, a judge of the Court of Justice will decide your claims.
In both cases, a medical assessment will likely be required to assess the significance of your injury, which is necessary to determine the amount of compensation.

The lawyers
in personal injury

Why use a lawyer for personal injury?

The damage assessment follows a specific nomenclature, called Dintilhac. This will allow the lawyer to translate the various damage items assessed by the medical expert into the financial amount on which the compensation requested will be based.

In practice, it often happens that the indemnity proposals made by insurance companies are undervalued compared to the commonly applied scales.
It is therefore essential to call on a lawyer in order to have a perfect information of the claims that can be issued, and thus avoid concluding a transaction under which you would be injured.



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