Public law and public authorities

Whether assisting public authorities and civil servants, or public and private economic agencies, our practice covers all areas of public law.

The firm assists in providing a legally secure framework for projects on behalf of public authorities and public officials.

Our practice areas in public law

  • Representation and assistance in litigation
  • Managerial support for civil servants
  • Financial and budgetary advice
  • Advice on enhancement of financial assets
  • Assistance with management of public or private land
  • Legal engineering of tendering procedures
  • Follow-up of tenders submitted by private bidders
We have provided support on issues related to local authorities, public officials and public procurement for more than 30 years.
Our areas of practice areas include:

Public authorities and civil servants

Our lawyers represent public agencies and public officials in proceedings involving public liability, challenges to decisions or electoral law.

We also support public and private stakeholders in the management and development of their real estate assets, pre-emption procedures and expropriation procedures.

Our lawyers advise public-sector stakeholders throughout the management of their economic affairs, as well as in legal engineering of legal tendering procedures, right through to the final decision.

Our lawyers will use their skills and experience to ensure the legal security of your projects, whether in matters of applying for state or local government aid, carrying out public works, public procurement procedures, public service delegations or concessions.

What makes us different

Multidisciplinary, our network of business law firms is interprofessional. We work in close collaboration with all the expertise present within the In Extenso group which allows our clients to benefit from a single, multi-interlocutor, to support them in their creation projects, development, management or transmission, whatever their sector of activity and the size of their company.

As a human-sized local network, our teams provide advice and litigation to all decision-makers, public authorities and individuals throughout France.


ce qui fait notre différence

Much more than a network…

In 2023, In Extenso Avocats has 50 employees including 22 associate lawyers and 21 lawyers and lawyers in collaboration who accompany on a daily basis VSEs, SMEs, liberal professions, communities, associations and foundations, executives and individuals in advice and litigation.

Our law firms, multidisciplinary, intervene in social law, tax, business law, real estate, civil law and international law. Some of them have more specific activities in public law, environmental law, insurance law, sports law and hotel-tourism-restaurant law.


Bien plus qu'un réseau de cabinets d'avocats

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In Extenso Avocats rassemble autour de valeurs communes des experts en conseil juridique qui aident les entreprises (TPE, PME, ETI et grands groupes), les associations, les fondations, les professions libérales, les collectivités publiques et plus largement tous les décideurs, à sécuriser, piloter et optimiser leur activité. Nos avocats interviennent également en cas de contentieux pour assurer la défense des intérêts de leurs clients auprès des tribunaux et juridictions concernées. Filiale conseil du groupe In Extenso, leader français de l’expertise-comptable pour les TPE et les PME, In Extenso Avocats est un réseau de cabinets d’avocats d’affaires interprofessionnel alliant les professionnels du droit et les professionnels du chiffre pour un accompagnement à 360° des entreprises et des particuliers.

Pluridisciplinaire, In Extenso Avocats aide ses clients, tous secteurs d’activité confondus dans de multiples domaines de droit tels que le droit des affaires, le droit commercial, le droit fiscal, le droit du travail et de la protection sociale, le droit immobilier et de la construction, le droit de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement du territoire, le droit de l’environnement, le droit public, le droit de la propriété intellectuelle incluant une expertise certifiée en RGPD, le droit de la famille et du patrimoine et le droit international. Nos avocats sont également reconnus comme experts de secteurs d’activité spécifiques tels que l’hôtellerie, la restauration, le tourisme ou le sport.

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